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Monday, 26 March 2012

Page 15 :HTTP Error 400 Bad request

The Web server (running the Web site) thinks that the data stream sent by the client  was 'malformed'

i.e. did not respect the HTTP protocol completely.
So the Web server was unable to understand the request and process it.
400 errors in the HTTP cycle
Any client  goes through the following cycle:
  • Obtain an IP address from the IP name of the site  This lookup (conversion of IP name to IP address) is provided by domain name servers (DNSs).
  • Open an IP socket connection to that IP address.
  • Write an HTTP data stream through the socket.
  • Receive an HTTP data stream back from the Web server response. This data stream contains status codes whose values are determined by the HTTP protocol. Parse this data stream for status codes and other useful information.

Fixing 400 errors - general
There is a low-level problem in the client or the Web server or both. 95% of the time this is because of a problem on the client system
e.g. there is something unstable on your PC running the Web browser.

  • Try to browser again in three times to make sure that error
  • What has changed since you started getting the HTTP 400 problem ?. In general terms, think about what has changed on your PC since you first started seeing the problem. This may cover any of the items mentioned above.
  • How stable is your Internet connection ?.You can  try to check that the Web site you are actually visiting is the one you think you are visiting. For example, you may have a DNS problem. You can check this using a ‘ping’ test. A DNS problem may be caused by your ISP or may be on your own system e.g. in a ‘hosts’ file.
  • Is your PC secure ?. If your PC is not well-protected, then all kinds of problems may occur - including HTTP 400 errors. If you run Windows, stay uptodate with automatic security updates from Microsoft and possibly consider getting a registry cleaner. Always have good anti-virus and spyware protection. Invest in a hardware firewall if you can afford one. Be sensible surfing the Web - block pop-up windows and avoid bad sites. If your PC not secure then Web traffic out from your PC to the Internet may be secretly corrupted by malware (spyware, viruses, etc.).
  • Are you installed web-based software ?. Some social networking and games sites ask you to download and run software on your PC so you can interact with other people on the Internet directly (without using your Web browser). This software, if badly written or even criminal, can corrupt all HTTP traffic from your PC. At bad action, you may have to reinstall your operating system again (possibly losing all your personal data on your PC if you do not have backup).may be defective. Try to find an upgrade or security fix for the problem browser. 
  • If you recently changed some configuration options in the problem browser, reversing the change to see if that helps to fix this problem.
  • Do you get the error on big Web sites ?. If you get the problem on quite a small site, visit some of the bigger sites like Amazon, Ebay, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. If you get the problem only on small sites, it indicates a problem with only those sites or the traffic from your PC to those sites.
  • Do you get the error on simple URLs ?. If you get a problem with a long complicated URL (such as but not with a shorter simpler URL for the same site (such as, this can indicate a problem with the Web server on the site you are trying to visit. This is not conclusive evidence, but is a good starting point. Contact the owners of the Web site and describe the problem to them. You may find for example the problem occurs with POST methods (you are both submitting data to the Web site and retrieving data from the Web site), but not with GET methods (you are only retrieving data from the Web site).
  • Do you have a cache problem ?. clearing your cookies, browser cache and browsing history in your Web browser. Disable or remove any third-party cache or ‘web accelerator’ software you installed. Then try rebooting your PC . If this action  not fix the error, but at least may eliminate any problem due to settings on your PC.

page 14 : internet port listing

 What is port

The  IP address would correspond to the street address of the building and the ports would correspond to room numbers.
 In fact, the standard form of an URL ( the human-friendly equivalent of the numerical IP address) has a section for designating a port. 
 The port number is almost never necessary in an URL, however, since port number 80 is assigned by convention to the Internet protocol http.
Ports are numbered from 0 to 65536. 
However, port numbers are not assigned haphazardly but conform to standards from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). 
Ports 0-1023 (designated as "well known ports") are assigned by IANA and are generally reserved for system processes. 
For example,the protocol http is assigned port 80. 
Ports 1024- 49151 are called "registered ports"; their assignments are coordinated and approved by IANA.
A list of these is published so that conflicts in the use of ports do not arise. (Malware writers, of course, do not observe these rules.) The remaining ports 49152- 65535 are called "dynamic" and/or "private ports". Some common processes and their standard port assignments are given in the table below.

here the port list for internet port
* 21 (FTP)
* 22 (SSH)
* 23 (TELNET)
* 25 (SMTP)
* 53 (DNS)
* 80 (HTTP)
* 110 (POP3)
* 115 (SFTP)
* 135 (RPC)
* 139 (NetBIOS)
* 143 (IMAP)
* 194 (IRC)
* 443 (SSL)
* 445 (SMB)
* 1433 (MSSQL)
* 3306 (MYSQL)
* 3389 (Remote Desktop)
* 5632 (PCAnywhere)
* 5900 (VNC)
* 6112 (Warcraft III)

Page 13 : Make your own small WI FI for house/shop/cafe

For business people,
are you running the cafe, shop or anything, in this time many your competitor facilitated the WIFI free zone to their visitor so keep the visitor enjoy to comeback again to their shop.

There are many information about this information.
This article is just addition information.
If you like to setup the WIFI you can contact computer shop or another computer technicians
But if you want to try by yourself, you can buy any addition book to improve your knowledge.

this is a diagram which can lead you to setup hardwares for WIFI

Page 12 : Make your small office home

Work from home
in this moment  this word is popular,but many people may be do not understand how to make small office to help their work. If you want to setup your own office.

In this our article is additional advise for you to setup your small office for your self, and you can do anything home work while your computer is running your office/business work

You may ask the computer technicians or computer shop about the hardware to setup this, or you may buying a book o search free in the internet related article..
hope that you will enjoy your better life

see this diagram

 you may run run your business in Blog, os-commerce or via social media
 see our article in step by step guide to start blogging
or may be you are a professional skilled you may also see like our page type of blogpost  or may be you like to write an article but you do not know how, this is our additional advise page Write blog content
you can compare with another article and make your own persepsion how do it.......

part 8 . Knowing your computer(Modem)

A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information.

  •  internal modem
 external modem

<<<Part 7 | Part 9>>>

Part 7: Knowing your Computer (Hard drive)


some people call this hard disk, is a device for storing and retrieving digital information, primarily computer data

there are two kind hard drive :
  • internal hard drive, if the installed into your CPU or PC
  • external hard drive,is a plug and play device using usb cable...

this image is describe for instalation of internall hard drive

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Thank you for your attention to our blog.
We are establish since february 2012 with the name of
After 3 years in a journey to find what the people need and look, what they need when surfing the internet,
Zoopy is presented for internet multimedia service and converter page
We will upgrade the service in time to time
please visit and review our site,
We are open to the PAGE REQUESTED from youm send to us
if you want any web page and the web tools for your need
please contact us and we woll try to fullfill what you need
and can suggested any web page to join with us...

HTML 3 : HTML tutorial (Font)

Tag <font>…</font>
<font> Tag manipulation functions for both types, sizes, and font color.
Click File – New – HTML/XHTML.
Example :Type the code below.
<title><p><font face="Arial">Ini Font Arial</font></p></tile>

           Or modification the red label, with this
<p><font face="Arial"><i> </i></font>your word here</p>
Font is Arial and italic, or
<p><font face="verdana" size="4" color="blue">your word here<b></b></font>
Verdana Font size is 12 pt bold blue at the same time,or
<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" color="red">your word here<b></b></font><p> 
This red Tahoma Font
red, thick and are in the middle,or
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" color="red">your word here</font></p>
Arial Font color is red,
 Note: Signs Enter the code above does not affect the display / output to the browser. Enter
used to code readability.
save the with name tagfont.html

<<<HTML 2 | HTML 4>>>

HTML 2 : HTML tutorial (Paragraph)


Tag <p>…</p>
Tag <p>used to make the paragraph (left, center, rigt and justify)  in a web page.

type the code below.
<title>Atribut Tag <P></title>

<P>in the html code was modified as below 
<p align="left"><b>Left-justified text</p>
<p align="center">Centered Text </p>
<p align="right">Text on the right</p>
<p align="justify">justified text</p>.
When finished save the file, click the menu File - Save.give the name "taqP".run this file with your html editor program, if you make this in notepad you an find with your internet browser

<<<Html 1 | Html 3>>>


WYSIWYG programs and PHP Editor?
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a symbol or tag that is written in a file that is intended to display the page on the web browser

Notepad,WYSIWYG editor,PHP editor
Program WYSIWYG HTML editor (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor is a program which provides an interface such as the Microsoft Word program.
Examples of programs
that are WYSIWYG HTML editor is
FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive.
If you are using
a WYSIWYG is easy you just drag and drop it without knowing the HTML language, but that will hinder you to develop your own blog, where many widget2 or tools on a blog created by the php script for PHP and Java It is more difficult than the WYSIWYG.

You can also make from notepad, in your windows program.

In this tutorial we learn about HTML..
Here the list( or you can follow with the Html continous pages button in the bottom place centered )

Home | Html 2>>>

Business 2: How to write a good business security plan

 write the plan
Every business plan has the same general sections: 
Description of your business and what you would like to accomplish as a business entity. 
Finances is where you will put all of your Accounting forms and information such as pro forma income projections, three-year summary, loan applications and a detailed first-year month-by-month budget.
Marketing section is where proposed marketing and advertising ideas such as commercials, print ads, radio spots and other types of exposure for your business will be outlined. 
Management section will detail the principals of the business, provide background information and resumes and the positions each plan to hold in the company.

Specialize the plan. 
in the Business Description, explain the history of the security business and how your business will contribute to the  market

market research for your niche
Study your competition, especially local competitors.
Find out the competitor's services and prices.
how long they have been in doing this business 
any specializations they might have and how much of the local market each claims. 

If  you've done the research
use the Marketing section to customize your business to stand out from your competition
Explain how your company will be different from the others in your field.

<<<Business 1 |Bussiness 3>>>

Saturday, 24 March 2012

part 6 :Knowing your computer (CDroom)

CD room and DVD room
is compact disc that contains data accessible to, but not writable by, a computer for data storage and music playback,
used to distribute computer software, including video games and multimedia applications


Variation Speed of CD room
The first cd room speed is 2x, next 4x,6x,8x,12x,24x,32x,40x,and the last 52x
This is a speed the cd room to read the cd data, more high the value more fast the cdroom read the data and more fast your computer to load the cd.

Model or Category cd room
CD room or usual said CDR room (only read the CD data)
CD R/W room ( can read and writee(burn) the cd from your computer)
DVD room usual said DVDR (only read the DVD data)
DVD R/W (can read and write your DVD)

Business 1:Protect your business

Growth your business and protected it

* Write a plan
* Strengthen physical security
Don’t let thieves ruin your business
* Look after servers
Servers need extra care and security
* Control access to critical information
Protect information with a need-to-know policy
* Find advice and support
How to choose a business-class IT partner
* Secure remote access
How to protect links between mobile workers and the office
* Train staff
Staff training is critical to business security
* Write good staff policies
Employees should pay as much attention to online security as you do
* Use encryption
Encrypt important information for extra security

* Prevent corporate fraud
Protect your business from online crooks
* Stop employees cyberslacking
Don’t let your employees waste time online
* Comply with the Data Protection Act
Make sure that you are legally compliant
* Prevent data theft using removable devices
Be wary of portable storage devices
* Keep your online shop safe
How to avoid the pitfalls of taking your business online
* Trade safely on eBay
Take advantage of the eBay marketplace, stay safe and avoid the fraudsters
* Prevent corporate identity theft
Stealing company identities is on the rise.
* e-crime
What your business needs to know

Business home | Business 2>>>

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Page : Class code table

Class Codes                                           

<<<back to system information

Class Description
0x00 Devices built before class codes (i.e. pre PCI 2.0)
0x01 Mass storage controller
0x02 Network controller
0x03 Display controller
0x04 Multimedia device
0x05 Memory Controller
0x06 Bridge Device
0x07 Simple communications controllers
0x08 Base system peripherals
0x09 Inupt devices
0x0A Docking Stations
0x0B Processorts
0x0C Serial bus controllers
0x0D-0xFE Reserved
0xFF Misc

Class Code 0: Pre 2.0

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 All devices other than VGA
0x01 0x01 VGA device

Class Code 1: Mass Storage Controllers

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 SCSI Controller
0x01 0xXX IDE controller. The Prog I/F is defined as follows:
bits Desc
0 Operating mode (primary)
1 Programmable indicator (primary)
2 Operating mode (secondary)
3 Programmable indicator (secondary)
6..4 Reserved (zero)
7 Master IDE device
0x02 0x00 Floppy disk controller
0x03 0x00 IPI controller
0x04 0x00 RAID controller
0x80 0x00 Other mass storage controller

Class Code 2: Network Controllers

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 Ethernet controller
0x01 0x00 Token ring
0x02 0x00 FDDI controller
0x03 0x00 ATM controller
0x80 0x00 Other network conteroller

Class Code 3: Display Controllers

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 VGA compatable controller. Has mapping for 0xA0000..0xBFFFF and io addresses 0x3B0..0x3BB.
0x01 8514 compatable
0x01 0x00 XGA controller
0x80 0x80 Other display controller

Class Code 4: Multimedia Devices

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 Video device
0x01 0x00 Audio device
0x80 0x00 Other multimedia device

Class Code 5: Memory Controllers

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 RAM controller
0x01 0x00 Flash memory controller
0x80 0x00 Other memory controller

Class Code 6: Bridge Devices

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 Host/PCI bridge
0x01 0x00 PCI/ISA bridge
0x02 0x00 PCI/EISA bridge
0x03 0x00 PCI/Micro Channel bridge
0x04 0x00 PCI/PCI bridge
0x05 0x00 PCI/PCMCIA bridge
0x06 0x00 PCI/NuBus bridge
0x07 0x00 PCI/CardBus bridge
0x80 0x00 Other bridge type

Class Code 7: Simple Communications Controllers

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 Generic XT compatable serial controller
0x01 16450 compatable serial controller
0x02 16550 compatable serial controller
0x01 0x00 Parallel port
0x01 Bi-directional parallel port
0x02 ECP 1.X parallel port
0x80 0x00 Other commonications device

Class Code 8: Base System Peripherals

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 Generic 8259 programmable interrupt controller (PIC)
0x01 ISA PIC
0x01 0x00 Generic 8237 DMA controller
0x01 ISA DMA controller
0x02 EISA DMA controller
0x02 0x00 Generic 8254 timer
0x01 ISA system timer
0x02 EISA system timer
0x03 0x00 Generic RTC controller
0x01 ISA RTC controller
0x80 0x00 Other system peripheral

Class Code 9: Input Devices

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 Keyboard controller
0x01 0x00 Digitizer (pen)
0x02 0x00 Mouse controller
0x80 0x00 Other input controller

Class Code A: Docking Stations

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 Generic docking station
0x80 0x00 Other type of docking station

Class Code B: Processors

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 386
0x01 0x00 486
0x02 0x00 Pentium
0x10 0x00 Alpha
0x20 0x00 PowerPC
0x40 0x00 Co-Processor

Class Code C: Serial Bus Controllers

Sub-Class Prog. I/F Description
0x00 0x00 Firewire (IEEE 1394)
0x01 0x00 ACCESS bus
0x02 0x00 SSA (Serial Storage Architecture)
0x03 0x00 USB (Universal Serial Bus)

Part 5 : Knowing your computer (Display adapter)

Display adapter  or Graphics array
here the list of the extended of graphic array from 1980 until 1990, and now you can see many feature in this card,this artice is about the type of your display adapter, but if you see in device manager is alway themanufacture type brand and the chipset model. But in here here we discussed about a general display adapter, and 

about chipset and model we will release other article

Here the list of Graphics array (External VGA), but many computer pc manufacture have internal VGA, so if you buying a computer desktop, you have two choice use internal Graphics array (VGA internal) or you want to upgrade in external VGA 


At the beginning of the 1980s, this was typically used to display Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets in high-resolution text on a monochrome display and associated graphics on a low-resolution CGA display simultaneously


 The eXtended Graphics Array (XGA) supports all 8514/A modes plus a 800×600 16-bit RGB Highcolor mode, with 65,536 simultaneous colors on screen


The Multicolor Graphics Array (MCGA),  Video Graphics Array (VGA) used a 6-bits per channel, 64 levels Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) to give an 18-bit RGB palette (262,144 colors), from which can be selected any two (in MCGA 640×480 graphic mode), 16 (in VGA 320×200, 640×200, 640×350 and 640×480 graphic modes) or 256 (in MCGA 320×200 graphic mode) at a time.[3] They both provided full compatibility with CGA modes, while VGA included all the EGA modes as well as the MCGA modes.

In this times, all the manufacture of the computer do not produce again the type of CGA,XGA,MCGA.

Super VGA (SVGA)

Enhanced clones of the IBM VGA, known as Super VGA (SVGA), support 256 simultaneous colors in 640×480 and higher pixel resolutions (800×600, 1024×768) in both 16 and 256 picked colors from the VGA 18-bit RGB palette, depending on the model and the manufacturer. Also, some SVGA cards support 15- and 16-bit RGB Highcolor modes, with 32,768 or 65,536 simultaneous colors on screen in 640×480 and higher resolutions. Some later models reach the 24-bit RGB True color modes.
There is Three model in VGA Card
See our  picture  in the right side set your mouse in the images and you can see what type of the vga card,
  • PCI, standar video graphic
  • AGP,  games and video
  • PC-xpress for games 

Monday, 19 March 2012

Part 4 : Knowing your computer (LAN)


May be you like to make your own server and small link in your office ( in 2-4 computer)
also see our page "Step instal server windows 2008" and Zoopy

 Now, describe the LAN

A local area network (LAN)
 is a computer network that interconnects computers in a limited area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, or office building. Computer network is always been said as a network, is a collection of hardware components and computers interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information

This in internal LAN card (Only UTP)
Open the CPU casing and,
plug in your motherboard,
Close the CPU casing,
Running the OS windows
and then instaled the driver, but  for some OS windows there is no need to instal the driver, because the windows have the back up driver

External LAN (USB to UTP)
Another choice to make your LAN, it is very symple you only need plug the USB connection from a desktop PC or Laptop.

This is another type of LAN card with have the slot of BNC and UTP...

Now you can figure it out, which model that you want to use... 
Wait our article about motherboard..
and you can use the internal LAN card, and BNC-UTP.

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