• Instructional,Instructional posts tell people how to do something. .
• Informational, you simply give information on a topic. This is the crux of successful sites like wikipedia
• Reviews,reviews to product, training, skill
• Lists ,Posts with content like ‘The Top Ten ways to….’, ’7 Reasons why….’ ‘ 5 Favourite ….’, etc.
• Interviews ,interview or pooling to the product , skill, trainning or program
• Case Studies
• Profiles ,you make your life stories, or make your work application or resume, you make image and photo of yours, etc
• Link Posts,Link post to another blogger, or you cab add rss to your blog ftom another article that related with your blog post
• Problem’ Posts,You cab post your problem and make they review and answer to help you to fix the problem. about program,computer , life, love, social, studies and anything
• Compare two things or more – Life is full of decisions between two or more options. Write a post contrasting two products, benefit and loose
• Inspirational ,you can post anything related with inspirational both write, images, card, gift and etc
• Research,if you are engineer or someone doing research you cab post your research result and collecting the result or compare with another post.
• Collation Posts , compare your post with another and make related topic after discussion.
• Prediction and Review Posts ,you can post prediction sccore about a tournament like footbal,soccer and anything else related
• Critique Posts – ‘Attack posts’ have always been a part of blogging, to share their review or think
• Debate ,it's like you make a post to discuss with another and make them review, ussualy about politic, ethics, polemic , condition etc
• Hypothetical Posts ,begin to unpack what the implications of it would be. ‘What if….Google and Yahoo merged?’ ‘What if …’
• Satirical, many blogers make this satirical website to describe what their thing about something
• Projects ,Start a poll, an award, ask your readers to submit a post/link or run a survey or quiz.
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