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Sunday 11 March 2012

Blogger code 4: RSS


 Really Simple Syndication, a standardized system for the distribution of content,
 esp. news, from an online publisher to Internet users
Web definitions
  • RSS (most commonly expanded as Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed formats 
  • used to publish frequently updated works—
  • such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format. ...
General code
you can find a similar logo with another texture or colour

For make this simple button you can use this seocentro

Step 1: Select menu type
Drop Down  Pop Up  ...........choice will the menu will look in dropdrown or pop up windows

Step 2: RSS Button displayed on   ... where you want to show this button
Web Site,some website editor do not include this button so you must make this button your self
WordPress, in wordpress you must make this button
Movable Type
Blogger, in blogger ussualy you can choice in "add widget button" and put them automatically

Step 3: Enter Feed URL
Feed URL (ex. or

Step 4: Select display image  ... choice this button you like logo or text
RSS Subscribe    RSS Subscribe
After you click it you will see
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
  // RSS Subscribe Feed URL.
  rssbm_subscribeFeed  = "<$BlogSiteFeedUrl$>";
  // Button Image URL.
  rssbm_buttonImageUrl = "";
  // Set this to yes if you put your image on the right side of
  // the page and the drop down menu goes outside the window.
  rssbm_imgRightSide   = "no";
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></sc

Copy all of that and put in your HTML Editor/ Html widget etc, to put in your website

You can try it just a little step

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